

Lady bird Lady bird

2023-11-02 10:00:00

Welcome! Important news, if any, will be published here, so keep an eye on it.

There are still a few challenges that might come up later.

A few people asked us how to start learning on the hardware security topic.

Fortunately in the past year two nice books got published, so here are their references:

The Hardware Hacking Handbook by Colin O'Flynn and Jasper van Woudenberg

Practical Hardware Pentesting by Jean-Georges Valle

2023-11-03 11:00:00

We've a special price for the first of you who can solve the "Circuit Scramble Lvl 2" challenge!

2023-11-03 11:00:00

We've upgraded the price list, now 1st place will get a Saleae Logic Pro 8 instead of the Chipwhisperer Lite!

2023-11-03 13:50:00

If you are on the scoreboard, come to get one tshirt for your team !